Antioch KC is a non-denominational, Christian church in the beautiful city of fountains. Our passion and purpose has always been and will always be JESUS. The One who takes away our sins, binds up the broken hearted, gives hope to the hopeless, heals the sick and delivers the captive. The One who is LOVE.    We want to see more of Jesus in our city, our nation and the nations of the world.

Come visit us

We are currently meeting in homes in south Kansas City.
10am  //   Every Sunday
Please see the Calendar of Events below to see the list of meeting locations by date

Pastor Tom Elliott

Tom Elliott is a servant to the Body of Christ. Tom has been married to Trenna since 1988, and they have 3 beautiful daughters and two great sons-in-law (Elizabeth, Maria & Rob Goodman, Rebekah & Jacob Avalos). Tom is currently planting a new church in Kansas City (www.antiochkc.org) with a team of faithful volunteers. Tom has pastored two previous churches in Colorado and Michigan. In his 20’s Tom served in an associate role at his home church in Springfield, Ohio. Tom has been used by God to see many follow Christ: launch multiple families into international missions; help start a large ministry rescuing children from sex slavery; dynamic church growth; significant miracles and many other acts of Gods power. Tom has also known failure, great setbacks, betrayal and depression. Both the victories and failures have led Tom to place his identity in the Person of Jesus and his status as a son of our Heavenly Father. These things have also caused Tom to develop a deep love for the Word of God and prayer. Tom is committed to helping Christians make the focus of their walk with God the Person of Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and is dedicated to helping them “overcome,” rather than get by. He loves to help Christian leaders serve from a place of spiritual and emotional health and empowering every person in the Church to disciple others.

Discipleship Ministries

Come Together, Grow Together

Children's Ministry

We offer childcare for tiny humans age 4 and under during the 2nd Sunday Corporate service on Sunday morning. Their time includes a small Sunday school lesson and optional snack.  Please consider volunteering you time to help us keep this ministry strong!

Accountability Partners

We believe in the power of meeting regularly with 2-5 allies who are not afraid to lovingly ask the hard questions and remind each each other of their true identity in Christ. 

Missions - Solomon Islands

The Lee Family

In January 2024 the Lee Family became residents of the Solomon Islands! Moved by the work being done by the local YWAM Base for the island natives, the Lee's answered the call to serve abroad.  Please help us pray for the release of spiritual oppression and rampant poverty conditions.

NEW! Click the YouTube link below to view the powerful testimony of the work God is ding in the Solomon Islands as of August 2024! 

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